虛擬號將在 180 秒后失效
1. 適用于5-6個FIDs
2. 提供含量<0.05 ppm THC(以甲烷計)的修飾氣體級氮氣
3. 從實驗室中消除了昂貴的、危險的,、不方便的氦氣或氮氣鋼瓶
4. 改進FID檢測器的峰值,,使靈敏度**化
5. 眾多GC生產廠家推薦使用
6. 投資回收期一般少于一年
7. 靜音操作,有助使用人員靜心工作,。
Features and Benefits
1.Ideal for up to 5-6 FIDs
2.Produces makeup grade nitrogen with less than 0.05 ppm THC (measured as methane)
3.Eliminates dangerous and costly helium or nitrogen cylinders from the laboratory
4.Improves flame shape within the FID detector and maximizes sensitivity
5.Recommended and used by many GC and column manufacturers
6.Payback period of typically less than one year
7.Silent operation and minimal operator attention required